I learned that Alzeihmer is an unstopable, and uncurable disease, that gradually eats up your brain, till it kills you. i feel very sorry for the people you have this, and do not wish for me or any of my family members to get it because I now understand that it is really hard to live with this disease, and to see a relative live with it. This disease is more common on elderly people, and as the people get older we see the Alzeimer get more intense. Currentl there is no cure for this disease, and the number of people affected is big and will continue growing. Currently 5 million Americans suffer from Alzeihmer, and it is estimated if a cure is not found, that by 2050 the number will increase to 13.4 million Americans. There are some activities that you can perform in order to delay the disease or tu reduce the intensity of it, but it will not stop it. Such activities include games, and social interaction. Maintaining a healthy diet and doing regular exercise mught also lower the risk of getting Alzeihmers. I would really like for a cure to be invented becuase I think that elderly people deserve to enjoy their last years on Earth, and not live in a institution, were they are taken away their freedom, and many priviledges that life offers them. I think that doctors should be more concerned about this disease, because a large number of people already have it, and if they dont begin to pay attention to it the poeple affected will be more and more each day.

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