martes, 31 de agosto de 2010

Colin Turnbull

Colin Turnbull was borned in London and studied philosophy and politics in Oxford. He later graduated from the Banaras Hindu university in india witha degree on indian Religion and Philosophy. he then traveled to the republic of Congo to study the BaMbuti pygmies with Newton Beal an ohio school teacher he met in India.

He went to school at the Westminster School. When he ended his studies he joined the Royal Naval Volunteer Reserve during World War 2. After Turnbull's experience with the pygmies he became one of the most famous intelectuals of 1960 and 1970. Through his trips in africa he fell in love with an african american named Joe Towles. for 30 years the lived as an open gay couple in New York city and then in Virginia until towels died of AIDS in 1988. After turnbull's lost he gave awaay most of his money and lived as a Buddhist monk tutored by Dalai Lama's older brother, until his death from AIDS in 1994.

martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

What causes Perception?

Perception can be caused by internal and external factors. Internal factories are things inside your body, and external factors are factors that affect you from the outside. The internal factors that can influence perception are many. Memories have a lot of influence because it reminds us about the good and bad things that we have gone through and reminds us not to do bad things again. Personality can influence because the person we are inside knows what to do or not and what is expected of us. Knowledge has influence on perception because we have learned things that teach us about mistakes commited in the past or dangerous things.

External factors have a great influence in perception. We may decide what to do depending on what is going on around us.The things we see happening can determine our actions. For example if we see a car crash in a certain street we will be cautious when passing through that street, because we dont know what happanaed in the past car crash.

Things I like:
I like cars
I like adrenaline
I like soccer
I like Age of War
I like the psychology class

Thing I dont like
I dont like working in psychology
I dont like feet

miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2010

"Perception is reality"

This quote refers that people may have different visualization of the same objects, because of an experience or a memory they may have with this certain person, place or object. this also refers to the different ways you can see an object, in different angles, this may give an image of a totally different object. Many people dont have the ability to percept objects in different ways. Perception alters the way I see the world, because optical illusions are present in very day life, and i am able to see different things in the same object. I can also percept things that happen to me, and find another way to interpret them

lunes, 16 de agosto de 2010

Why study psychology?

I think psychology is important to study because you learn about behaviors of yourself and other people, and how our body, specially our brain controls what we do and how we do it. It also teaches us about our behavior, and how certain behaviors are triggered and how to handle with them.