martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

What causes Perception?

Perception can be caused by internal and external factors. Internal factories are things inside your body, and external factors are factors that affect you from the outside. The internal factors that can influence perception are many. Memories have a lot of influence because it reminds us about the good and bad things that we have gone through and reminds us not to do bad things again. Personality can influence because the person we are inside knows what to do or not and what is expected of us. Knowledge has influence on perception because we have learned things that teach us about mistakes commited in the past or dangerous things.

External factors have a great influence in perception. We may decide what to do depending on what is going on around us.The things we see happening can determine our actions. For example if we see a car crash in a certain street we will be cautious when passing through that street, because we dont know what happanaed in the past car crash.

Things I like:
I like cars
I like adrenaline
I like soccer
I like Age of War
I like the psychology class

Thing I dont like
I dont like working in psychology
I dont like feet

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